Senior Pastor

Randy & Sherri MacDonald

Pastor & Sherri MacDonald

Pastor MacDonald was born in Milwaukee, WI and was saved at the age of eight at Bible Baptist Church in Fond du Lac, WI.  He served as an Air Traffic Controller in the United States Air Force for 20 years and speaks Spanish.  During those years he served in a local church at each assignment and in many different ministries.  Pastor MacDonald graduated from the Instituto Bíblico Bautista Fundamental (Fundamental Baptist Bible Institute) in Panama City, Republic of Panama, Central America with a double major in Bible and Pastoral Studies. Shortly thereafter he was ordained to the Gospel ministry by Maranatha Baptist Church, Panama, Central America (Pastor Al Sligh).  Pastor MacDonald has been in full-time Christian service since retiring from the United States Air Force in November of 1997.   Prior to coming to New Testament Baptist Church he was an assistant pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Belleville, IL and pastored Calvary Baptist Church in Flora, IL.

Sherri is from Huntington, WV (go Thundering Herd!).  She has always been a Proverbs 31 wife and mother.  She has been faithful every step of the way and under some of the most extreme circumstances required of a military wife.  She homeschooled when necessary, has been an integral part of every church they were members of and has always taken care of her husband and their children.  Sherri loves the Lord, is a hard worker and always has a sweet spirit.

The MacDonalds have two daughters: 

Angela and her husband Jeremy Vance are graduates of Crown College.  Jeremy also has a Master's Degree from Shawnee Baptist College in Lousivlle, KY.  They have six children.  Jeremy is the Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Bloomington, IN.  They have six children (5 girls and a boy) including a set of twins.

Kristina attended Crown for one year and later graduated from Pensacola Christian College with a degree in nursing. She works as an RN and is married to Lee Van Winkle who also graduated from PCC and works as a professional photographer.  They have one daughter and are both serving God faithfully at Sun & Shield Baptist Church in Marana, AZ.

Youth Director

Marvelous Rustin

Marvelous Rustin

Marvelous was born in Bylas, Arizona and raised in a Christian home.  His grandparents were saved when missionaries came to his Apache reservation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

He attended Apache Baptist Academy, which is largely sponsored by our church, until the 8th grade (as high as is currently offered) and then graduated from Ft Thomas High School.

From High School, Marvelous attended Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, NC.  He graduated with the distinction of earning the President's Award his senior year.

Marvelous is extremely excited about teaching our teenagers and is doing an excellent job.  

In addition to the teens, Marvelous preaches regularly as part of our ongoing efforts to establish a church in his home town of Bylas.  

He is also busy in the sound room and supplements our IT specialist as needed.  

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