Could you please explain the Trinity?

R.A. MacDonald • October 15, 2021

Man will never be able to explain God.

Only a false god made in the mind and heart of man could be ‘understood’ by man. But that kind of god is no God. “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” (Rom 11:33). As soon as you and I think that we can enclose Him within our feeble attempts to define Him, we have become gods unto ourselves.

I believe in the trinity because that is what the Bible reveals. But I don’t pretend to understand it (more below on that). The godhead consists of the Father, His only begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit (Acts 17:29; Rom 1:20; Col 2:9). Volumes have been written to prove or disprove the Bible so this article will certainly not end the debate. But what we believe about God is important because it determines our eternal destiny. For example, we are told in the Koran that Allah had no son. The fact that the Bible clearly tells us that God had a son (and only one), is evidence that the god of Islam is a different God from that of the Bible. What a religion teaches about God and His plan for man is important. The Bible clearly teaches that all three members of the Godhead have the attributes of God, were involved in creation, can be grieved and can be lied to (space doesn’t permit citing the references, email me if you would like them). It is also clear that they exist simultaneously.

The attributes of God are distinguishable characteristics of the divine nature. They are called attributes because we are compelled to attribute them to God as fundamental qualities or powers of His being (omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, holiness, etc.). In Scripture, God has identified all three members of the Godhead as having these qualities: the Father (John 6:27; 1 Peter 1:2); His one and only Son (John 1:1, 18; Titus 2:13); and the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-4).

What you and I think doesn’t matter. What is important is what the Bible teaches. So, whatever you believe about God, must allow for the following Bible truths: Christ distinguished the Father from Himself as “another” (John 5:32, 37); the Father and the Son are distinguished as the Sender and the Sent (John 10:36; Gal 4:4); the Father and the Son are distinguished as the Begetter and the Begotten (Psalm 2:7; John 1:14; 3:16); Jesus distinguished the Spirit from Himself and from the Father (John 14:16,17); the Spirit precedes from the Father (John 15:26); the Spirit is sent by the Father and by the Son (John 14:26; 15:26; Gal 4:6); the Word of God (the Son) existed from eternity past with the Father (John 1:1,2; Philip 2:6); there are other passages that both assert and imply Christ’s preexistence (John 1:18; 8:58; Col 1:15-17); there are passages implying co-existence between the Father and Son before the foundation of the world (John 17:5, 24); there are passages which clearly assert that the world was created by Christ (John 1:3; 1 Cor 8:6; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2, 10); there are passages which assert and imply the eternality of the Holy Spirit (Gen 1:2; Psalm 33:6; Heb 9:14); the Holy Spirit was also involved in creation (Gen 1:2); it was not Christ, but the Holy Spirit, who came on Pentecost and whose coming was conditioned on Christ’s absence (John 16:7/if the Holy Spirit is just another manifestation of Christ, then Christ is with us…but He isn’t, He is alive in Heaven making intercession for us! Heb 7:25; 8:1).

The Lord our God is one Lord (Deut 6:4). You will never figure it out because believing God demands faith and without faith in truth as revealed in Scripture it is impossible to please God (Heb 11:6).

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