COVID-19, Delta and Omicron et al

R.A. MacDonald • December 6, 2021

"To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate"

Almost as soon as COVID began to rear its ugly head back in 2020, the question of whether or not to take the vaccination has been almost as divisive as the political landscape.


But now the rubber is meeting the road. Government mandates (whether right or wrong) are being imposed. Is the Bible believer to “obey” this one (Romans 13) or resist it by requesting a religious exemption? Losing your job is serious but even more so is disobeying God. Again, full disclosure: my bias is Judeo-Christian. Every religious accommodation I have seen to date in my sphere of life and faith has been based on the use of aborted baby tissue in the research, development and production of the vaccine. I will address that below.


Having said that, I am not medical. This document will be reviewed by medical personnel before it is published, but it is not intended to enter into the science. 


If you are going to refuse the vaccine even if it costs your job, that is your privilege. I would only ask you to honestly consider all of the facts. Your family is more concerned about this than you think. When Jonas Salk developed the inactivated poliovirus vaccine it was considered an answer to prayer and we couldn’t get it fast enough. What was the difference? Wearing masks was voluntary but prudent. Some did not, but no one (like the government) was making it mandatory. When we are pushed we tend to push back. Conspiracies abound. Peer pressure is resisted.


During the Black Plague or Spanish Flu no one was questioning the need for a vaccine. Many people wore their masks to work and church and we have the pictures and statements of pastors in the day to prove it. 


I am very well aware of the fact that mortality rates with COVID are nowhere near as high as previous worldwide pandemics. I am also aware that mRNA technology is different. I see the utter foolishness of making people stay six feet apart as they board a plane only to be assigned a seat within six feet of as many as 9 or 10 people for a four-hour flight. But vaccinations and masks are two different things.


Medical science is amazing. It is possible only because of a Master Designer in the first place. Many people have asked, What good comes out of bad? I’m going to answer the question but with a caveat: any answer to that question almost sounds like support or encouragement of the evil. It is not. A considerable amount of what medical science knows today (like it or not) came out of the Nazi Concentration Camps and Japanese internment facilities of WWII. The history of medicine is not always pretty.


The COVID vaccine is not an extension or reiteration of aborted baby cells. Some manufacturers did use aborted baby cells to validate or prove its effectiveness – but not in the design or production process. The Moderna vaccine (used at our local hospital at the present time) did NOT use aborted baby cells even for testing.


I can prove from scripture that life begins at conception and thus abortion is the killing of an unborn life. I cannot prove, however, that a vaccine is unbiblical. If you are going to conscientiously object to the vaccine because you read that cells from an aborted baby were used in its research and development, then, on the same grounds, should you not also object to every cancer treatment and almost all other major disease treatments available today? I am not trying to justify, I am trying to get you to see a duplicity that you may not even recognize. Again, like it or not, cells from aborted babies are used to test almost all major diseases. I’m not justifying it. I think it is sickening. But this is where the world is.


God has allowed science to identify and interpret the code of life. In layman’s terms a vaccine shows the body what the original, healthy code of life looks like and tells the body’s natural immune system to attack anything else. mRNA vaccines work the same way. No one is being turned into a robot or set up to be a Bourne operative.


For those of you concerned about this from an eternal perspective, the vaccine is not the mark of the beast. It is not put on the right hand or forehead. Taking the COVID vaccine is not worshipping the antichrist.


I, too, have a problem with the way this whole thing has gone down. However, I (we/none of us) can do anything about that. All we can do is control our response to it. Students of prophecy can clearly see the influence of the god of this world. Daniel lived his entire adult life against the flow – but right in the middle of it. 

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