The argument here is not what God is called. In English He is God, in Spanish He is “Dios” and in Arabic He is “Allah.” The language is not as important as the definition. If I began to describe to you someone I know by the name of David, after a sentence or two you could figure out whether the David I know is one that you know. So a correct definition of God is absolutely necessary, because the God who we are trusting to take us to Heaven is the God we understand Him to be. And if our definition of God is different than the Bibles, we will be found wanting.

Muslims claim to respect Jesus. They might even call Him the “Word” or the “Anointed One” but they will not call Jesus the Son of Allah (God). They will not declare Jesus to be Lord or agree that Jesus is God in the flesh. These are serious inconsistencies with Bible doctrine on the subject. To a Muslim, the “Comforter” Jesus promised to send was not the Holy Spirit, but Muhammad.
Muslims, however, still claim to respect Jesus. But how is that possible? In verse after verse Jesus declares Himself to be God and allowed Himself to be worshipped as God (Matt 20:20; 28:9, 17; etc.) If Jesus said this and allowed Himself to be worshipped, how can a Muslim respect a prophet who thinks he’s God? Christ is either a devil from Hell or God in the flesh. He is either Lord, liar or lunatic. Christianity is a not a continuation of Islam, it is a repudiation.
Let’s look at some of the monumental differences between Islam and Christianity. Islam’s holy book is called the Quran. It contains 114 chapters or “Surahs.”
Concerning God’s nature. Bible – God never changes (James 1:17); Quran – Allah changes (Surah 2:106). Bible – God loves sinners (Romans 5:8); Quran – Allah hates sinners (Surah 2:190; 32:13). Bible – God cannot lie (Titus 1:2); Allah is a deceiver (Surah 8:30).
Concerning salvation. Bible – salvation is a gift of God’s grace (Eph 2:8-9); Quran – salvation is based on works (Surah 11:114). Bible – our bad deeds will never outweigh our good deeds (Daniel 5:27); Quran – we live and die “by the scales” and you need to be 51% righteous to get to Paradise (Surah 23:102). Bible – Jesus paid for our sin and He is the only way to salvation (Isaiah 53:4-6; Acts 4:12; Philip 2:10-11); Quran – Muslims can receive forgiveness and Paradise if they suffer for their faith or fight in jihad (Surah 3:195).
Why are so many turning to Islam in our country? I believe it is because we are living in the Laodicean church age of Rev 3:14. Notice that the church was “in” Smyrna (Rev 2:8), “in” Pergamos (Rev 2:12), “in” Thyatira (Rev 2:18), “in” Sardis (Rev 3:1), “in” Philadelphia (Rev 3:7), but it was the church “of” the Laodiceans (Rev 3:14). The church that is neither cold or hot, but lukewarm is the church of the people, not the church of God. We have everything we need but don’t know that we need God. We have cheapened and abused grace into a “come as you are, leave as you were” phenomenon. We don’t expect God to change anyone… There is no demand of discipleship. But oh are we good at being politically correct (The fine art and science of almost saying something). God help us.
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