Nor do I believe that the Word of God and evolution can ever agree. Those who try to make them harmonize create more questions than they answer.
Bible scholars who try to fit creation into evolution are said to believe in Theistic Evolution. They claim God used the word “day” to mean great ages or periods of time, allowing for the millions of years needed to make evolution “work.” However, we are going to see that if you claim to believe the Bible, then you must believe that God created the world in six 24-hour days. Otherwise, you cannot claim to believe the Bible.
Let me add here that evolution is not science nor is it scientific, it is simply a theory. Science must be verifiable and reproducible (remember your high school lab?). You have to be able to observe it in order to “know” it. No matter what you believe about the beginning, you do so by faith.
There are several reasons why science and the Bible will never agree about origins. First, if you believe in the Genesis account of creation then you believe that the grasses and herbs and trees were created on day three before the sun was put in place on day four. The evolutionist says that the sun existed long before plant life sprang up out of the mud. They need the sun in order to produce life. In creation there is no problem believing that the grasses created on day three easily survived one 24-hour period without sunlight. You cannot believe in Genesis chapter one and in evolution at the same time. The Theistic Evolutionist cannot explain how grasses and plants could survive for millions of years before sunlight.
If you believe the Word of God then you believe that birds were created on day five before land animals were created on day six. The evolutionist says that birds came after the land animals – not before them. You cannot believe in Genesis chapter one and in evolution at the same time.
The Word of God tells us that man came first, then sin. It goes on to declare that death came for the first time as a result of man’s sin. Therefore, according to God, man existed before death (Gen 2:17). To believe in evolution is to believe the opposite: that death came long before man. The whole idea of evolution demands millions and millions of years of death and “survival of the fittest” – before man even shows up on the scene. Do you see how God has forced our hand? We must believe either “in the beginning God created” or that Darwin’s theory is correct. They will never agree.
The question of whether or not a day means an age is not the only conflict. God was either right or wrong when he said that plants came before sunlight, birds before land animals, and sin before death. You are either going to believe God about this order or believe a theory “created” by man in order to try to explain away God. The two belief systems cannot co-exist.
God declares that man and animals are different kinds of flesh (1 Cor 15:39); that God breathed life into man (Gen 2:7; Job 33:4); and that the evolutionist is “willingly ignorant” (2 Peter 3:5/King James). God leaves no doubt that His order of creation is to be believed, preserved, and taught to the next generation (Deut 6:17; Heb 11:3).
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