My initial reaction was, “of course not.” but then my wife reminded me of a conversation we have had more than once, “Doesn’t Satan have access to God’s presence?” And so we started thinking…
Job 1:6 clearly tells us that the angels (“sons of God”) have some sort of scheduled access to the Lord. Satan was among them on this particular day and, the context leads me to believe that this meeting took place in God’s own throne room. I could be wrong about that, but consider also the following
Please read Revelation 12:3-10. Lucifer was in Heaven when he sinned against God. It was from Heaven that he drew a third of the angels with him in his rebellion. There will apparently be another “war in Heaven” when Michael and his angels fight against the dragon. It is only after this war that these fallen angels, will have no “place any more in Heaven.” So it is apparent that, at this time, Satan and his minions have access to Heaven. In order to accuse us before God, Satan must have access to Him.
Lucifer was in the very presence of God when he was lifted up with pride (Isaiah 14:12-15). There has been at least one rebellion in Heaven and now we read of a future war. This would seem to show that evil (thus sin) has like a slug’s slimy trail, even left its mark in Heaven.
But that’s not all. In Revelation 21:1-5 we are told that God is going to make all things new, including Heaven. Why would God need to make a new Heaven? I believe we have ample biblical support now to arrive at the following conclusion: it is because He is holy and doesn’t intend to live with sin. He is going to purge the entire universe of sin and everything it has contaminated.
Now if sin is so loathsome that God would purge Heaven itself to get rid of it, then no man who refuses to acknowledge and repent of his sin could certainly ever expect to get into the new one.
And what was the sin that started it all? It must have been pretty awful. It was pride. In Satan’s case it was a prideful assumption that something created by God could somehow become God. Man was created in God’s image for sure…but he is still created. Repent of your sin dear friend. “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up” (James 4:10). Turn to Christ in faith. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Rom 10:13).
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